Saturday, May 9, 2015

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Training in Bangalore

This program introduces Behavior Driven Development (BDD) to the audience and follows a life cycle approach where audience get to learn how to practice BDD in real life projects using some the best BDD tools like Cucumber, Jbehave and Specflow. Good Test First practices can reduce defects drastically, promote better design, make the code easier to understand, to change and cheaper to maintain. This workshop will give your team a solid grounding in practical BDD/ATDD, no matter what language they use or what background they come from. Participants will learn how to write high-quality unit tests, or more precisely, "executable specifications", to write better designed, more maintainable and more reliable code.

In this 2-day intensive course, Participants will also discover how BDD helps keep development focused on the real requirements, resulting in a higher quality product for the end user. Return on investment is immediate - these are skills that every developer needs to master.
This workshop teaches the principles of Test First and BDD, which are applicable in any modern programming environment. We discuss ATDD/BDD tools for Java, .NET and participants should bring their own laptop to practice same.

Contact me on +91 9810547500 or for any agile and scrum training including Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO), Certified Scrum Developer (CSD), BDD, TDD, CSP or clean code etc.

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